

Music connects people regardless of their background, social status, and culture. As an electronic music fanatic, I've always struggled to find new music and people to connect with. That's the idea that led me to create Genzi, a social media platform that allows its users to share music and interact with those who have the same taste and style".


One of our main objectives when developing the project was to create awareness and further the demand by promoting the idea through pre-existing social media platforms. Our approach was through the development of interactive video-oriented content. These consisted of interviews, personal/professional anecdotes, and showcasing the design process for the platform. After a few months of sharing this content online, we managed to get the attention and feedback of over 500,000 accounts. This is an ongoing project and, the more content we share on the matter, the more motivated we are to make Genzi a reality.
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The Overview


As the co-founder and UX | UI Designer, my role includes a bit of everything. During the first phase, I worked alongside my co-founders to develop a detailed market analysis of the business plan including key competitors, user's needs, and gaps and opportunities in the market. Together we brainstormed ideas and designs for the lo-fi version and wireframe of the application. As we shaped our idea, we started sharing a transparent journey on social media focusing on the process of building an application and engaging with our potential users.

The Discovery

Our Target Market:

The name Genzi was chosen to represent a generation that is not afraid to speak up, express themselves, and share their achievements and opinions with others online. As the name suggests, our primary target is Generation Z. This has been further confirmed by our social media analytics, which has showcased a strong following from people between the ages of 16 and 24.

Market Analysis:

Understanding our demographics and target market allowed us to develop an intricate and precise course of action that was fitting to the current financial and social paradigm. We determined that our primary demographics would be Spain and Latam given there is no such application for this market. As we researched and experienced the competition, we created an empathy map. This was developed through a variety of sources, particularly through popular platforms where users could share their experiences like TikTok, Reddit, and Twitter.

The Process

Product Design:

During the lo-fi version of the application, a big-picture storyboard was created. After understanding the market's needs, we focused on showcasing the user needs, their context, and why the app will be useful for them. This allowed us to understand the key features that are essential for the minimum viable product (MVP) version. A website landing page was created where potential users can register on the waiting list by submitting an email address. As the lo-fi version was developed, I proceeded to create the hi-fi version of the app using tools such as Figma, Illustrator, and Webflow.

Content Creation:

Creating an audience for a social media platform that does not exist yet was going to be hard, or we thought so. Our focus was to create and share videos on TikTok and Instagram. Within a few months of doing so, our content reached over 500,000+ views, 32,000+ likes, and 300+ waiting list registrations. On TikTok, we focus on engaging with the audience while also showing our journey. While on Instagram, posts and stories are mostly infographics. These videos and posts are mostly edited with Premiere Pro, Illustrator, and Canvas.

The Outcome

Ongoing Project:

As of September 2022, the hi-fi version of Genzi has been finished, we continue to grow our audience on social media, and we are currently raising capital to develop and launch the first version of the app. I am a firm believer that the need to create new experiences and bond with others through music is innate to every single one of us. Genzi will be there to make it happen.

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